In Between: [Square & Circle)
Experimental Leather Molding Collection
Vase / W.300 x D.90 x H.300
Bowl / Ø.240 x H.50
Coaster / W.200 x D.200 x H.15
Candle Holder / Ø.95 x H.60
The two well-known geometries: square and circle, have been widely adopted in the world of art & design as in everyday life. Under a high degree of visual stimuli, it directly affects how the modern creators shape their work. As a designer, I was reflecting on the reasons why I applied "square" and "circle" in my design practice, more importantly, understand their cultural connotations. Starting with cultural investigations and material experiments, this idea has been developed as a graduation project and personal yearly summary for studying Design for Luxury and Craftmanship at ECAL: The exploration of Eastern and Western cultures as well as when ancient craft meet modern technology.
In Between: [ Square & Circle ) is an object collection constructed by means of leather
molding technique. The idea is to explore and understand the
various cultural connotations of geometric shapes.
In eastern culture, the circle and square not only indicate the ancient Chinese view
of the world, but a philosophy of life, being gentle without losing principle, namely
concept. While in the west, they represent rationality and mathematical principle
that objectively existed, such as the ancient Greek puzzle of compass-and-straightedge: Squaring the Circle, namely form. With form and concept, we create objects; with
objects, we shape culture.
「方」 與 「圓」 二大造型,在現代藝術與設計的世界裡被大量採用。在大量視覺刺激下,直接影響眾多創作者如何決定其作品形式。我作為設計師,試圖尋找自己應用 「方」 與 「圓」 在設計實踐中的原因,並針對其進行了文化調查與材質實驗,以作為在洛桑就讀奢侈品與工藝設計之畢業製作:探索東西新舊文化與科技工藝。
「方圓之間」 則是個人針對此題目的反思結果,為一系列由古老皮革成形技術混以現代加工方法製造之生活物件,該系列旨在探討幾何圖形在不同文化裡的意涵,以及創作者自我對話。

Leather molding has been in the history of craft for almost 800 years. It consists of soaking a piece of leather in water to greatly increase pliability, shaping it by hand or with the use of objects or even molds as forms. As the leather dries it stiffens and holds its shape. With high pressure, it brings accurate forming results: such as the subtle surface imperfections and shapes of the mold itself.