In-house project, Xcellent Design
Aluminium Die Casting, LED, Micro Lens Technology
W. 225 x D. 195 x H. 595
TRINITY is a modular lamp with a futuristic sense of aesthetic and transformable shape. As part of the retro collection of Xcellent lighting, TRINITY takes inspiration from the space exploration era and architecture, creating a sculptural whilst functional lighting piece at home.
TRINITY 為一具未來感與可變化形式之模組化燈具。作為 Xcellent Lighting 復古系列其一,TRINITY 的設計取經於太空探索時代與紀念碑建築,成為一盞兼具雕塑與功能的居家氣氛燈具。

Monument to the Fallen Soldiers of
the Kosmaj Partisan Detachment
Picture Credit: Mihaly Podobni
Picture Credit: Mihaly Podobni

Microlens Technology
Xcellent Design cooperate with the supplier to produce all-around emitting effect by building millions of 3D Microlens on the surface of acrylic glass. By applying this technology, TRINITY is capable of creating a silk-like ambient light, in the meantime achieving the visual effect of “invisible bulbs.”
Xcellent Design 與其供應商合作,藉由在壓克力板表面以雷射刻以微小立體透鏡,開發出無死角的光線散射效果。以此為基礎, TRNITY 能夠營造出如絲綢般細緻的的氣氛光線,同時達成 「隱形燈泡」 的視覺效果。

The name, “TRINITY” also refers to the shape and the way of use which is designed with the principle of “three”. By playing with three identical units, TRINITY offers a high degree of composability and collocation, either alone or with special accessories to change the composition, at least three types of use. This gives people the freedom to arrange the best situation of TRINITY for decoration purposes.
TRINITY 取自於聖經中的 「三位一體」,因此所有的設計兼環繞於 「三」 的概念來執行。藉由三個相同的單元模組,TRINITY 具有高度的組合性與搭配性,能夠單一存在,也可以搭配特殊配件來更改組合方式,使其至少擁有三種使用型態。這使人們可以自由地改變 TRINITY 以符合其裝飾空間的目的。

Dimmer Switch Design
The dimmer has a non-directional interface. No matter which ways the users pick up the switch, they can understand the usage through the arrow graphics, and adjust the intensity of the light.