Tube Resurrection
Furniture, Design Art
2 Wasted Postal Tubes from a Swedish Furniture Company
W.300 x D.300 x H.450
Tube Resurrection is a stool piece that is made to respond to the topic of
sustainability and up-cycling.
At a time when sustainability has become a must in various fields, the work of
designers is subject to a higher standard of scrutiny. The Tube Resurrection is my
response as a designer/creator. It was created during the lockdown due to the
COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when resources and space were limited. It was an
act to rethinking the relationship between global brands, sustainability, individual, and design
based on the context of home life.
Begins with the investigation of household waste, with the purpose of "upcycling",
drawing from the postal materials provided by global furniture companies, and through
precise calculations, supplemented by computational design and handicrafts, to saw
and chop two strong paper tubes into dozens of parts and assembled according to
the design drawings. Each part has an precisely cut tenon, which can be interlocked
to form a structure, which is sufficient to support the weight of human body and
become a functional object.
Tube Resurrection 是一張為回應環境永續性及升級再造而生的凳子。
在永續性成為各領域不可忽視的當下,設計師的工作受到更高標準的檢視。Tube Resurrection 是我作為一名設計師 / 創作者的回應,創作於 2020 全球新冠肺炎疫情期間。這可被視為一次行動,當資源、空間被限縮,以居家生活環境就地取材,重新思考全球品牌、永續性、個人、與設計之間的關係。
始於關於居家廢棄物的調查,以 「升級再造」 為目的,取材於大型家具公司所提供的郵遞材料,透過電腦設計與手作工藝,將兩支強韌紙管鋸製為數十組件,並根據設計圖組裝。每個零件都具有精準切割的卡榫,環環相嵌之下,構成結構,足以支撐人體,成為功能性物件。

Photo Credit:
1 / Adam Dean for The New York Times
2 / IKEA