Medical Appliance
Start-Up Project with Tronk Interactives
2016 - 2019
MEASURE / W.300 x D.240 x H.22
PLATE / W.502 x D.276 x H.33
DUAL is a set of measurement concept product, including a smart weight scale, MEASURE, and the corresponding accessory, PLATE. DUAL is designed to give people a
comprehensive solution for weight measuring and monitoring, covering
infant and adult weight measurement.
Through refining every hardware detail of existed weight scale product and the
freedom of panel customization, DUAL challenges the stereotype of home-use
medical appliance, transforming from instrument to a life-style product that provides
pleasant use experience.
DUAL 為一身體量測組合之產品概念設計,包含一智能體重秤:MEASURE,以及其對應配件:PLATE。DUAL 能符合人們各式的體重量測與監測需求,包含成人嬰幼兒、與寵物。
透過對產品細節與使用情境再設計,以及能夠訂製面板的客製化設計,DUAL 試圖翻轉家用醫療電器的刻板印象,轉化冰冷的儀器感,使其成為能夠融入居家佈置、現代生活風格的產品,同時提供愉悅且流暢的使用體驗。

Design of MEASURE
MEASURE is the refinement of current products on the market: the rounded body softens the rigid image of such products from the visual and tactile levels; the high-contrast screen improves the visual recognition of measurement digits and the perceived value of the product; advanced hardware specifications provide a solid foundation for comprehensive measurement and mobile-integrated recording functions.
MEASURE 的細節設計是現有量測產品的精煉:圓潤的機身輪廓在視覺與觸覺層面軟化了既定的死板印象;高對比的黑白螢幕增強了量測數字的顯示辨識與產品的感知價值;高階的產品技術規格為快速切換量測方式的需求與智能裝置整合提供技術基礎。

Mobile Application
MEASURE is equipped with an application that provides up to eight sets of user
record and history body data comparison. The machine management function allows
users to manage multiple devices, including subsequent connected products, such
as basal thermometers and sphygmomanometers.
MEASURE 配備有一應用程式來管理與監測量測數據,基於韌體限制,最高能管理八組使用者。並也能夠與未來相關產品整合,如基礎體溫計與血壓計。

DUAL also offers panel customization. This service will be showing as additional
options when purchasing. All materials that can be processed into plates may be
customized options, which greatly enhances the value of DUAL as a weight scale: it
not only serves with functions, but also becomes a part of the space according to the
user's preferences.
DUAL 能夠進行面板客製化。在消費者購買時,這項服務將以額外選項的形式出現在網路商店的購買選項裡。我們預期任何透過人體重量強度測試,並能夠加工成板的材料都能夠客製化選項,這大大提升了 DUAL 作為體重計的感性價值:他不僅能夠提供量測功能,並且根據使用者喜好能夠成為空間風格的一部分。

Design of PLATE
PLATE has continued the soft design language from MEASURE, meant to deliver light and adorable feelings to its users. The square-circle shape brings PLATE a soft and tender look and the fabric with a 5mm cushion on top of that provides comfort to the baby and pet. It also has a hole that enables the users to hang on wherever wall that has a hook, saving the space of storage.
PLATE 延續了 MEASURE 的軟性設計語言,旨在為用戶提供輕盈可愛的感覺。 方圓形狀為 PLATE 帶來柔性且溫柔的外觀,並且頂部貼上縫有 5mm 軟墊的布面材質為嬰兒和寵物提供舒適位置。 它還有一個孔,讓用戶可以掛在任何有掛鉤的牆上,節省儲物空間。

Baby / Pet Mode
PLATE alters MEASURE from adult scale to baby/pet scaler by placing the
corresponding hollow shape on top of MEASURE. It contains two magnets to activate
the reed switch within the electric components of MEASURE, triggering the scale to
switch to baby/pet mode.
After the baby/pet mode is activated, the measure unit will be converted from kilograms to grams and reset to zero. When measuring in baby/pet mode, the data will be synced directly
with mobile application, recording and comparing with infant growth curve.
只要將 PLATE 之底部下凹空間對齊放置於 MEASURE 之上,PLATE 便能夠將 MEASURE 從成人體重計轉換為嬰兒 / 寵物秤。為了做到這點,PLATE 內部設置了兩個磁鐵,這能夠觸發 MEASURE 內部的磁簧開關,並啟動韌體設定做出切換。

Detail Shots